How to Grow Your Own Fruits and Vegetables and Get the Top Results

Growing your own fruit and vegetables is a fun and rewarding thing to do. These days we are all looking for healthier options and by growing your own produce, you can guarantee that it is totally organic. Chemicals and pesticides can cause all kinds of health problems so knowing exactly what is in your food can reassure you that it […]

Planning for a Large Vegetable Garden: Tips and Tricks

Many people start their gardening hobby by just growing a few plants here and there, maybe some tomatoes, herbs, and other “easy” plants. More often than not, this small part-time hobby grows into something that becomes an entire lifestyle. Making the transition from a very small garden to one that’s considerably larger requires a lot of planning. Maybe you want […]

10 Garden Tips and Tricks to Improve Seed Germination

What is seed germination? Gardening is a pleasing activity. It boosts the happiness level as the plants grow, and the greenery rejuvenates the mind. However, the propagation of plants is a bit tricky and a task to be “looked after.” Seed germination (propagation) is the first and foremost process, which, if done accurately, will give fruitful results. Seeds germination is […]

Storing Fruits and Vegetables

Storing your own fruits and vegetables at home at the end of the growing season, following a few simple guidelines, will enable you to have food of good nutrition and flavor into the fall and winter.  It is a good way to keep extra produce you can’t eat right away from the garden, and to save money later at the […]

Organize Your Garden to Start a Vegetable Garden

One of the activities that you have most to gain from is growing your own vegetables, but for first-timers, the complex procedure of planning and organizing the veggie garden can feel like an impossible task. What’s even more stressful is that a single mistake can cost you everything as you won’t have what to harvest, all of your work being […]

Harvesting Summer Vegetables

Knowing when to harvest vegetables is just as important as knowing how to grow them.  Some have a long time over which you can harvest, others must be harvested at just the proper stage of ripening.  Harvest at the wrong time, and your vegetables may not ripen properly if too young, or be tough and bitter if too old. You […]

Setting Up a Vegetable Garden: What Should You Consider?

Just because you stay in a small area doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy the health benefits of fresh vegetables. A small garden space shouldn’t restrain you at all; instead, it should make you more creative. The small garden can still give you enough vegetables to feed your family. You can bring out your creative side by coming up with a […]

Harvesting Cool Season Vegetables

Timely harvest of vegetables sown or planted outside early in the growing season, and ones that generally mature rapidly or during cooler temperatures results in the best flavor and longest harvest period. Many of these also make good fall crops, started later in the season. Snap asparagus spears off at ground level when they are six to ten inches tall. […]


ROOT crops are now generally considered just as essential to the welfare of our bodies during the winter months as are beans, corn, and peas during the summer months. Incidentally, while it is true that some of these root crops, like beets and carrots, are more tender if stored in cans rather than sand or soil, it cannot be denied […]

Planting the vegetable seed

Planting the vegetable seed There is no part of the garden work which calls for such nice judgment and careful attention as the sowing of seed. Most of the failures originate right here, and a large share of the blame devoted to the seeds and seedsman, if traced back to its original source, would be found to rest on the […]